Untested Javascript code is broken code. Or: How I arrived there.

When & Where

Day: Wednesday
Time: 14:55 - 15:40
Room: Dutchess 3+4
Audience: Developers.


I would like to present a case study on how I test code in the KARL project. KARL is a large repoze.BFG based open source intranet web application that deploys a complex user interface with AJAX, based on the jQuery and jquery-UI libraries.

During the presentation I show technical details of server-less and AJAX unit testing with QUnit, integration testing with Selenium, and Continous Integration (CI) with Hudson through real life examples. I will also show how one can write code that is easily testable. The fact that such good practices are available and easy to achieve, leads to the conclusion that untested code cannot be considered to be trustworthy any more.


Balazs Ree

Greenfinity, LLC

I have several years of experience in development, including contributions to Plone since 2006.