Buildout for the Future

When & Where

Day: Thursday
Time: 12:05 - 12:50
Room: Malborough Room
Audience: Tutorial, Developers, Integrators.


Buildout is a great tool for creating repeatable environments. But what happens when things change and you are left with a broken buildout? This talk will focus on creating a buildout that can survive the test of time. The talk will cover how to keep your packages pinned so that releases don't cause you headaches. We will also discuss how to set up your own package server in order to make sure that you always have the packages that you need.


Clayton Parker

Six Feet Up, Inc.

As the senior developer at Six Feet Up, I work closely with Plone. Our projects typically demand that we stay up-to-date with the latest technologies. Because of this, I have an intimate knowledge of many parts of Plone and its surrounding ecosystem. I have been presenting at Plone events since 2006, where I gave a talk at the North American Plone Symposium. I have since given talks and tutorials on a variety of topics ranging from buildout to PEP8.